Winter Chimney & Fireplace Leaks

There are 2 key reasons why chimney’s leak in the winter:

Chimney Liner – Do you know if you have a chimney lining? If not, or if you are not sure, get your chimney inspected right away. If you do have a chimney liner, it may be the wrong size or it’s just seen better days. It’s best to have that inspected and taken care of.
Chimney Flashing – Water can sit in the flashing…then freeze…then thaw…then freeze again with the melted water making its way under the roof shingles and right into your home.

Fall Winds & Rain Bring Out the Chimney & Fireplace Issues. Here are the Top 5.

The harshness of Fall is beginning to settle in. High winds, rain, dropping temperatures all have an effect on your chimney and fireplace. Before you get cozy by the fireplace, don’t delay any longer, get it cleaned and checked. Here are 5 Common Chimney Issues to watch for: 1. Crack in the Flue – chimney […]

If the Musty Smell Isn’t Socks…What Is It?

Fall is a great time to watch college football. We get together with friends, whom all went to different schools, taking turns hosting. Happily, it was not our turn. We all settled into our favorite watching spots. One person is a pacer, one sits VERY close to the flat screen, a couple on the floor, […]

Chimney Repairs? Know Who You’re Hiring.

Heavy rains and high winds are the perfect ingredients for a deteriorating chimney.  Chimney repair companies know you can’t get on the roof to inspect the chimney, and they also know that you are unfamiliar with chimney repair issues. That’s probably why you get a plethora of direct mail, email and phone calls every spring […]

3 Common Exterior Chimney Problems

We made it through the polar vortex, snow storms and high wind days. Well almost. With the transition of seasons, storms. All these weather conditions have an affect on the exterior of the home, especially the chimney since it’s the highest point of the home and receives the most abuse. It may seem premature to […]

Rain Storms Reminder: Need to Get the Chimney Leak Fixed

Aren’t you glad it’s spring? Wonderful flowers, green grass and lots of severe rain storms that reminds us that we didn’t get the chimney water leaks fixed from last year. What you didn’t know is that the longer you wait, the more damage to the masonry on the chimney it creates. Most homeowners don’t realize […]

Why Should I have a Mid-Winter Fireplace & Chimney Inspection?

Seriously? Now? There are 2 groups of people a mid-winter fireplace and chimney inspection is recommended for: The procrastinators who never did their fall chimney inspection and; Those households that regularly use the fireplace. The Procrastinators: You meant to get the chimney cleaned, you meant to get it inspected, but you forgot….then remembered…then forgot again. […]

4 Point Check on an Exterior Chimney for Leaks

“Rain, rain, go away…” Remember we sang that as kids and thought it was fun? I’ve found myself singing this song way too often with an ‘oh by the way…take the humidity and bugs along with you.’ Clean-up has become your everyday task…from outside debris to water in the basement. It’s been an agitating time […]

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