Rain Storms Reminder: Need to Get the Chimney Leak Fixed

Aren’t you glad it’s spring? Wonderful flowers, green grass and lots of severe rain storms that reminds us that we didn’t get the chimney water leaks fixed from last year. What you didn’t know is that the longer you wait, the more damage to the masonry on the chimney it creates.

Most homeowners don’t realize it, but masonry isn’t entirely waterproof. And, bricks do absorb water. It seems odd since many homes are made of brick and mortar. However, your home is not exposed to the harsh weather conditions as the chimney sticking up from the roof of the house.

As water is absorbed into the porous surface, the moisture finds its way into your home. Let’s not forget cracks in the chimney cap, crown, or chimney flashing.  Remember, with light rain, leaks won’t necessarily show up. Heavy rain, it can be a slow drip to a regular stream of water.

There’s a 2 Step Solution that will solve both problems: leaks and brick / masonry moisture:

  1. Chimney Tuckpointing – get your chimney tuckpointed to restore the masonry mortar between the bricks.
  2. Chimney Waterproofing – get your chimney sealed with Chimney Saver, a water repellent that protects the bricks and masonry from weather conditions including snow, hail and rain.

Once you complete the 2 step solution, you won’t have to think about your chimney for a long time. Contact us today and get your chimney sweep, chimney tuckpointing and waterproofing done all at the same time.

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