How to Achieve a Picture Perfect Fireplace for Thanksgiving
Preparing for the Thanksgiving holiday is turning out to be a bit different. Gone this year is the uncle who throws crumbs of food and bits of trash in the fireplace. Or the kids that like to poke the fireplace logs sending sparks in every direction. This year, we get to create our own scene. […]
Do I Really Need to Clean the Chimney…Again?
The air conditioner cover is on, the furnace filter has been changed…now what am I forgetting? Ah, that’s right. Get the chimney sweep done. Do I really need to sweep the chimney this year? I use a gas fireplace. I don’t need to get it swept…right? Gas fireplaces are a great convenience as they can […]
What’s the Buzz?
If you have a flower or vegetable garden, you’ve been spending extra time watering the plants. I’ve had to water twice per day as the heat created extra stress on my growing meals. While outside, it became increasingly annoying with the wasps. I’m sure there has to be a wasp nest nearby as I keep […]
Top 3 Reasons to Sweep Your Chimney & Fireplace in July
This week is going to be hot and dry. Two perfect reasons to not think about your fireplace and chimney. Since there is low humidity, the smells coming from the fireplace will be minimal…of course until later this week when humidity levels rise again. It’s been dry, and again a low chance for rain this […]
What to Do When You Haven’t Used the Fireplace in a Long Time
If you moved into a new home or decided to try the fireplace that you haven’t used in a few years, it’s best to have it inspected and cleaned. You shrug your shoulders, and tilt your head wondering, “why?” because
Chimney Serves as a Ventilation System, smells, animals.
What Services are Performed in a Chimney Sweep Part 1: The Inside
New customers frequently ask, “What services are performed in a chimney sweep?” Instead of telling you what we do, we thought it would be best to show you with a short, 2-minute video. We’ve taken you on site to a home in Illinois so you can see for yourself how a chimney sweep is performed. […]
Why Should I have a Mid-Winter Fireplace & Chimney Inspection?
Seriously? Now? There are 2 groups of people a mid-winter fireplace and chimney inspection is recommended for: The procrastinators who never did their fall chimney inspection and; Those households that regularly use the fireplace. The Procrastinators: You meant to get the chimney cleaned, you meant to get it inspected, but you forgot….then remembered…then forgot again. […]
The Holiday of Once
Once a year we celebrate the holiday of Thanksgiving with friends and family. We get to eat these special dishes only once as year as it takes hours to prepare. The drive to the family feast is long with traffic, but once we get there, it’s worth the wait. As we are greeted at the […]
Eavesdropping on a Conversation Has Become Your Gain
Standing in the self-checkout line, I do what we all do…listen to conversations going on around us. Sometimes it’s worth staying tuned-in, like yesterday. A person standing in back of me waiting in line decided to make a call. It became obvious that she was having a hard time making a decision and was searching […]