Has Cold Air in the Chimney Stayed After the Holiday Party Ended?
As the weather becomes more frightful, be aware of the cold air in the chimney. Have you watched Charlie Brown’s holiday specials? They are classics! In the recent Thanksgiving show, Charlie Brown says, “Thanksgiving is not just about the turkey, it’s about the moments shared.” A meaningful quote that’s true to everyone, even during non-holidays. […]
A Beginning Season Fireplace Guide for Your Fireplace and Chimney
We’re heading in that time of year where homeowners are opting for hot chocolate over an iced tea. The sound of a crackling fireplace becomes more and more desirable as the cool nights settle in. Nothing is better than the sound of a warm, cozy fireplace. As you want to get the fireplace started, you’ll […]
Cicada Crawling Up the Chimney
This past weekend, for most homeowners, was the time to cut your grass. We’ve had plenty of rain to have the grass grow quite long. After opening the garage door and pulling out the mower, I was greeted by cicadas sitting on both garbage cans. They are definitely a good size bug. Okay, no big […]
Cold Draft in Fireplace Signals
Cold draft in the fireplace is a signal that something is wrong with the flow of air through the chimney and fireplace. Traditional fireplaces have an open firebox intended to allow air to go up the chimney – This is the natural draft created by the design of a traditional fireplace. How does a cold […]
Chimney Efficiency Top 4 Tips for the Cooler Season
Chimney efficiency, in Illinois, is critical to keeping the house warm…after the fire has gone away. Many have asked why the room gets so cold after a warm cozy fire. Sure, part may be that you enjoy sitting close to the fireplace and you have the warmth of the fire surrounding you, and when it’s […]
Cold Air Can Create a Chilly Fireplace Draft
A fireplace cold draft is a common problem for many homeowners. There are many reasons for a fireplace cold draft to occur, but what we know for certain is how the cold draft makes you feel. Uncomfortable. Let’s find out a bit more about some causes of fireplace cold drafts and what may be to […]
Why Does the Fireplace Let Cold Air into the Home?
Whenever we think of a cold winter’s day, our minds drift to a warm fireplace. There’s nothing like sitting in an oversized chair with my favorite ‘drink’ while I close my eyes to enjoy the warmth and crackling sound of the fire. The fireplace can certainly serve as a place of solace and relaxation. Clearly, […]
No Short Cuts When It Comes to a Wood Burning Fireplace
There’s nothing more beautiful, warm and inviting than a wood burning fireplace. It’s frequently featured in family pictures and is often the center of attention in a home. That’s because a wood burning fireplace is special. Some enjoy watching the flames and listening to the crackles of the burning wood. Others enjoy tending to the […]
That’s Not the Smell of Turkey – Where’s the Smoke?
Yesterday, I went to a friend’s house for a ‘dry run’ for Thanksgiving Day. I have never participated in a dry run, so this was new. A ‘dry run’ is more about process and timing and not necessarily taste testing the food. Disappointing, but I think we all got that one down just fine. When […]
My Fireplace is Allowing Cold Air Into My Home
Cold drafts coming into the home through the chimney, down into the fireplace and into your living area has been the concern among many callers to Superior Chimney. We thought it would be a useful to share the cause of cold drafts or cold air entering your home from gas fireplace and wood burning fireplace. […]