Has Cold Air in the Chimney Stayed After the Holiday Party Ended?

As the weather becomes more frightful, be aware of the cold air in the chimney. Have you watched Charlie Brown’s holiday specials? They are classics! In the recent Thanksgiving show, Charlie Brown says, “Thanksgiving is not just about the turkey, it’s about the moments shared.” A meaningful quote that’s true to everyone, even during non-holidays. Sharing these valuable moments is accompanied with a warm hearth and tasty food. These beautiful holidays are not celebrated in other parts of the world, so remembering to create such moments is special.

So why have them compromised? Can you imagine, sitting around the warm fireplace with your family and friends, when all of a sudden, cold air comes rushing down your chimney?  Thanksgiving, Hannukah, Christmas are notoriously chilly ones, so prepping your chimney for our meaningful holidays should be at the top of your list this year. Most importantly, you don’t want the hot meal to get cold!

If you haven’t yet experienced or heard of cold air in the chimney, then you might have some questions. For example, how do you stop cold air from coming out of your chimney? Let’s answer a few commonly asked questions:

  1. I never use my fireplace. Why is there cold air coming in?
    1. Just because you don’t use your fireplace doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t focus on its upkeep. Cold air drafts are caused by a reversal of pressure in your chimney flue. It can also be caused by strong winds that blow into your chimney from the lack of a chimney cap.
  2. I have a gas fireplace and there’s cold air coming in! What should I do?
    1. Brick and mortar fireplaces are not the only ones that have problems with cold air in the chimney! Your gas fireplace is still connected to a flue that leads outside. Cold air comes in that way. Try closing your damper to keep the cold air out. Don’t have a damper? Be sure to contact us to get a complete inspection done.
  3. My damper isn’t getting rid of all the cold air… Is this normal?
    1. It is normal! Dampers are not perfect. You’ll still notice small amounts of cold air coming into the home, especially with extra windy weather. The Chicagoland area is already experiencing these freezing winds…
  4. How do I know it’s my chimney letting cold air in and not another problem?
    1. Stand by your fireplace. Do you feel any cold air coming out? That is a sign there’s a problem with the chimney air flow. Air naturally comes through your fireplace, but it shouldn’t be enough to make the room cold.
  5. Can I prevent cold air from getting into my home?
    1. Yes. Check your damper and chimney cap. If you’re missing a damper, or if it’s broken, you will want to install one as soon as possible. We can even install one at the top of your chimney instead of traditionally, at the throat. A chimney cap can also help prevent cold air from getting in.

For Further Info…

Fixing cold air in the chimney can sometimes be easy. Calling a chimney professional such as Superior Chimney should always be your first step. A Superior Chimney technician is trained to identify and fix the problem. Keep your Holiday Season filled with warmth and happy memories this year, and get your chimney checked by your certified chimney experts. We are here to help, call Superior Chimney at 877-224-6349.

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