Music Coming from my Chimney?

It’s always interesting to learn what’s been on everyone’s priority list. Interesting to find out that projects around the house has been the #1 task. I guess if we’re stuck inside, best to make our time useful. The #1 task for this past week? Outdoor holiday lights. Saturday’s are the day to make the round […]

Fall Winds & Rain Bring Out the Chimney & Fireplace Issues. Here are the Top 5.

The harshness of Fall is beginning to settle in. High winds, rain, dropping temperatures all have an effect on your chimney and fireplace. Before you get cozy by the fireplace, don’t delay any longer, get it cleaned and checked. Here are 5 Common Chimney Issues to watch for: 1. Crack in the Flue – chimney […]

If the Musty Smell Isn’t Socks…What Is It?

Fall is a great time to watch college football. We get together with friends, whom all went to different schools, taking turns hosting. Happily, it was not our turn. We all settled into our favorite watching spots. One person is a pacer, one sits VERY close to the flat screen, a couple on the floor, […]

A Chimney Clean and Check in August? Why? Here’s 6 of 14 Reasons.

August is a big vacation month for families. It doesn’t always mean taking an airplane to Florida, it may mean a long weekend to a waterpark or even a staycation with get togethers’ with family and friends. As the month goes on, we begin to get the kids ready for school and try to get […]

Top 3 Chimney Problems to Watch for in Summer

Chimney problems can occur all year long. Just because it’s summer, and you’re not using the chimney doesn’t mean all is well. On Saturday, we went to some friend’s house for a barbeque. I must say it was wonderful, as everyone brought some great dishes. It’s a single-story home with a very well attended backyard. […]

3 Common Exterior Chimney Problems

We made it through the polar vortex, snow storms and high wind days. Well almost. With the transition of seasons, storms. All these weather conditions have an affect on the exterior of the home, especially the chimney since it’s the highest point of the home and receives the most abuse. It may seem premature to […]

CSIA Chimney Safety Week & Key Elements of a Chimney

September 30th – October 6 is National Chimney Safety Week sponsored by the Chimney Safety Institute of America (CSIA). Superior Chimney is a certified member of CSIA, meaning, technicians are trained on the NFPA’s three levels of chimney inspection. An important fact for homeowners to consider when reviewing their current or researching chimney sweep companies. […]

Fireplace is Off, Summer is On & Repairs are….

As many of us begin to enjoy time off, spending time outside playing with kids, talking with neighbors and walking around the house and yard are many of our pleasures. We begin to make checklists of projects that need to be done, sometimes small and some a bit bigger than expected. Even thought this isn’t […]

Rain Storms Reminder: Need to Get the Chimney Leak Fixed

Aren’t you glad it’s spring? Wonderful flowers, green grass and lots of severe rain storms that reminds us that we didn’t get the chimney water leaks fixed from last year. What you didn’t know is that the longer you wait, the more damage to the masonry on the chimney it creates. Most homeowners don’t realize […]

4 Reasons Why Chimney Leaks Show Up in the Spring

Rainwater has an amazing way of identifying weak areas in and around your home.  You can certainly wait until water leaks occur especially from the chimney, or you can get the water leaks identified and repaired before it causes potential damage. Here are 4 reasons why chimney leaks love Spring. No Chimney Cap. Without a […]

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