Getting the Fireplace Cleaned After the Long, Cold Winter Weather

Getting the Fireplace Cleaned After the Long, Cold Winter Weather by Superior Chimney, Lombard, IL

Spring is here and it’s trying really hard to bring in the warm weather. As the temperatures steadily climb, it’s a perfect time to think about sweeping the chimney and fireplace. Most people have the tendency to push it off until the Fall, right before fireplace season begins again. But there are good reasons for getting the chimney and fireplace, gas fireplaces too, swept now, ahead of the Fall cool temperatures.

#1  Outside Chimney: Part of the chimney inspection is for the certified technician to go on the rooftop and inspect the chimney up close. A few of the items he’s inspecting are:

  • Mortar: this is the cement in between the bricks. It’s important that the mortar is free from hairline cracks to large cracks as well as deterioration. These cracks and deterioration are perfect places for rain to enter and make its way into your home.
  • Chimney crown: this is the slab on top of the bricks and under the metal chimney cap. This slab of concrete has similar issues as the mortar with deterioration and cracks. Once this occurs, water can begin to find creative ways to enter your chimney & home.
  • Chimney flashing: flashing is located where the chimney and the roofline meet. This is a critical piece of protection as the outside elements can make their way nside and cause plenty of damage.

#2  Fireplace Can Cause Irritation: We never really think about what happens once we turn the fireplace off. Dust, creosote (for woodburning lovers) and debris sit in the fireplace waiting for it to be removed sometime between now and the Fall. Doors on the fireplace can certainly help, but if you only have a decorative gate or nothing in front of the fireplace, sneezing, coughing and eye irritation can occur. Removing the dust, creosote and any leaves or debris will help keep allergies or any irritation at bay.

#3  Discover Water Leaks Before They Find Your Walls & Ceiling: Water seems to have it’s own agenda. Water never goes straight down…it curves and winds around corners until it decides to make its way down tens of feet from its original intrusion point. That’s why it’s best to have the outside and inside checked and inspected.

These are 3 great reasons for scheduling a fireplace inspection done today. Give us a call to schedule your appointment at 877-244-6349.

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