Don’t be Spooked by the Sound of Dripping Water

There’s a chill in the air. And the nighttime is lit by the bright moon on a clear night. But tonight, there is no light outside and it seems darker than usual and even a little chillier. Oh, that’s right. It’s supposed to rain. As you hear the drops begin to fall one by one […]

5 Ways Chimney Leaks Can Happen Even If You Never Use the Fireplace

Chimney leak? “What do you mean? I don’t use my fireplace.” There are many homeowners that simply don’t use their fireplace. However, they do a great job of decorating all around it.  Just because you don’t use the fireplace doesn’t mean that chimney leaks can’t form. Here are 5 ways chimney leaks form even if […]

Getting the Fireplace Cleaned After the Long, Cold Winter Weather

Spring is here and it’s trying really hard to bring in the warm weather. As the temperatures steadily climb, it’s a perfect time to think about sweeping the chimney and fireplace. Most people have the tendency to push it off until the Fall, right before fireplace season begins again. But there are good reasons for […]

How Your Chimney Shows Signs of Being ‘Under the Weather’

Chicago weather… You never know what to expect. One minute we get reminded what sunshine looks like, and the next, 4-foot snow drifts up against the garage door. We spoke with a couple of our certified technicians as to what to look out for with all of the recent snow, sleet, freezing temperatures and the […]

The Hardships of Being Chimney Tall. It’s Always First.

Our team of chimney technicians continue to be hard at work cleaning and inspecting chimney’s after the winter months. Winter can be hard on all of us, but it’s hardest on the chimney. The chimney is the tallest point on the house, it’s the first to get rained on, the first to break the wind, […]

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