Temperature Watch for Chimney Tuckpointing
As Fall takes hold, Superior Chimney is on temperature watch. As the Fall months’ progress, and temperatures get to the freezing mark, the season for chimney tuckpointing comes to an end. So, while the temperatures hold out, be sure to get those chimney repairs done now. Why am I so adamant about it? It’s what […]
Chimney Leaks Caused by Snow

Chimney leaks can be caused by snow, not only by the heavy downpours of rain! Chimney leaks occur year round due to exposure to various weather conditions. Whether it be rain, snow, wind or sunshine, chimneys begin to decay as weather wears on them. The exterior of the chimney is very porous and lets water […]
6 Ways Water Leaks Through the Chimney
Water leaks through the chimney can cause big problems in the home. After the past couple of weeks of rainstorms, I went out to the back of the yard to take a look at some of the damage it caused to the trees. It certainly was a swamp in the back as I even saw […]
Music Coming from my Chimney?
It’s always interesting to learn what’s been on everyone’s priority list. Interesting to find out that projects around the house has been the #1 task. I guess if we’re stuck inside, best to make our time useful. The #1 task for this past week? Outdoor holiday lights. Saturday’s are the day to make the round […]
The 5 Signs of a Chimney Water Leak
After many days of rain, I spent time last night dining outside at a local restaurant. Even though it was a bit chilly, it felt great getting some fresh air. As all of our tables were ‘socially distant’, my ears are always aware of interesting conversations around me. The one that caught my attention was […]
Winter Chimney & Fireplace Leaks
There are 2 key reasons why chimney’s leak in the winter:
Chimney Liner – Do you know if you have a chimney lining? If not, or if you are not sure, get your chimney inspected right away. If you do have a chimney liner, it may be the wrong size or it’s just seen better days. It’s best to have that inspected and taken care of.
Chimney Flashing – Water can sit in the flashing…then freeze…then thaw…then freeze again with the melted water making its way under the roof shingles and right into your home.
Strong Storms and Chimney Leaks. Time to Get Rid of the Plastic Container.
As the rain storm came through last night, we all sat in the family room watching Harry Potter for the 50th time…and before Game 1 of the Finals. The volume was turned up a couple of times as the rain crashed against the windows. I didn’t think much of it, until I heard that dripping […]