Happy 4th of July!

Happy 4th of July!
It’s been a fun weekend with family and friends with good food, good drink and 
plenty of laughter. Fireworks always complete the night with a colorful night of red, white and blue. Everyone at Superior Chimney wishes you and your family & friends a memorable, relaxing time.
If you stayed home to avoid the traffic and crowds, I can certainly relate. I thought it was going to be a quiet weekend, but I noticed neighbors had the same idea so we decided to combine our relaxing efforts. We each took a late afternoon and evening, and everyone gathered at a designated home. We’re going to house #5 (we started on Friday), with the grand finale today, July 4, at my house. Yes, July 5th will be a tough one.

As you can image, cleanup is the most non-favorite activity. We all pitch in to make the cleanup go faster, however I try to view cleanup as a positive activity, recalling the conversations and the laughter. Some conversations were certainly questionable. I’ll save those for another post.

The cleanup took us from the patio, to the grassy area. Looking up, we had to pull some firework debris from the trees, but there was also plenty of debris hanging from the gutters and sitting on the roof. Well, you know what I start thinking, “Since I’m up here, I might as well take a look around.” So I did.
With some of the weather we’ve had, it’s no surprise to find loose or missing 
shingles. As the chimney sticks straight up and out from the home, it’s going to take the brunt of any storm. Here’s what I found:
• Flashing came away from the chimney (a great source for leaks)
Chimney cap was falling off (our outdoor friends had their eye on it)
• Cracks in the cement crown (that’s the cement that sits on top of the bricks or stone)
• Cracks in the mortar
Now that I helped clean the roofs of 3 homes, mine is the only one left. I’m sure
 all my neighbors will want to be the one to inspect my chimney.
Have a happy and safe July 4th, and don’t forget to call Superior Chimney on Wednesday to set your appointment for a chimney inspection.
Call Superior Chimney at 877-CHIM FIX 877-244-6349. Follow Us on Facebook!

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