Get Your Fireplace Swept and Inspected for the Gobble Gobble

It’s that time of year, and many of you will be hosting Thanksgiving. If your house is like mine, everyone will gravitate to the room where the fireplace is located. Why? Who doesn’t want to sit by the fireplace and enjoy good conversation and a glass of your favorite beverage. Be sure to get your […]

Effects of Fall Rain and the Chimney

Do you know what ends our time of enjoying the wonderful Fall colors? Rain. The other day when it rained, it took most of those bright yellow leaves and brought them to the ground. It saddened me not only because the colors were gone, but now the leaves have to be cleaned up. And with […]

Leaves in the Chimney, Can It Be Dangerous?

I just came inside from blowing leaves off of the lawn. It was crazy how I had to pick leaves out of the bushes, stuck inside the fence, sitting on the window sill and out of the filled gutters. Even if you have gutter guards, the leaves are still stuck on top of the guards […]

A Beginning Season Fireplace Guide for Your Fireplace and Chimney

We’re heading in that time of year where homeowners are opting for hot chocolate over an iced tea. The sound of a crackling fireplace becomes more and more desirable as the cool nights settle in. Nothing is better than the sound of a warm, cozy fireplace. As you want to get the fireplace started, you’ll […]

Chimney Crown and Chimney Cap Need to be Ready for What Comes Next

As bad rains continue throughout the Chicagoland area, we are always wondering what is going to flood next. We think about our basement (if you have one) and what may be affected by the seeping water. We constantly check that and other points in our home that we can readily see. But what about the […]

Can You Keep Your Fireplace Closed This Summer?

You may have heard from friends or family about keeping your fireplace open during the summer, so long as you have a chimney cap to keep the debris and animals out. Keeping the fireplace open all summer is known as “airing out” the fireplace. It makes sense, keep the stale air out and let fresh […]

What’s “Bugging” You This Summer?

Let’s face it, chimney tuckpointing isn’t at the top of your mind this summer. Spring cleaning is over, it’s time for a vacation. Maybe spending time at Lake Michigan or the pool took over your to-do list! But, have you noticed some familiar critters falling from the trees (and into your pool…) all over the […]

What To Do About a Chimney Leak?!

A chimney can be an obvious place where a chimney leak can occur. The chimney extends to the sky, many times as the highest point of your home. Not to mention, there’s a hole at the top that needs to be covered, and cement and bricks that are porous! It’s pretty obvious that chimney leaks […]

Wind Storms and the Chimney: With or Without Rain

Wind storms and the chimney: it’s not a pair made in paradise. The wind storms that we’ve had lately in the Chicagoland area have been challenging. Not only has debris from the trees been thick all over the grass and driveway, but has also blown off roofing materials, gutters and of course some things associated […]

Cicada Crawling Up the Chimney

This past weekend, for most homeowners, was the time to cut your grass. We’ve had plenty of rain to have the grass grow quite long. After opening the garage door and pulling out the mower, I was greeted by cicadas sitting on both garbage cans. They are definitely a good size bug. Okay, no big […]

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