Effects of Fall Rain and the Chimney

Do you know what ends our time of enjoying the wonderful Fall colors? Rain. The other day when it rained, it took most of those bright yellow leaves and brought them to the ground. It saddened me not only because the colors were gone, but now the leaves have to be cleaned up. And with […]

Chimney Flashing: Protect Your Chimney from Spring Showers

Chimney Flashing: Protect your Chimney from Spring Showers

Have you checked your chimney flashing this year? Or have it professionally checked by a certified chimney technician? After a humid, wet and cold winter and spring, it’s possible that your chimney flashing experienced some damage. Currently, Illinois is experiencing friendlier spring temperatures but as the saying goes: May flowers bring spring showers! Not many […]

Causes & Fixes for a Chimney Leak

Chimney leaks. Every time it rains, and we’ve had plenty, Superior Chimney experiences an increase in calls about chimney leaks. One of the reasons that it is important to call us versus writing a message on Facebook is to determine if the chimney leak is coming from the chimney or from the roof. To determine […]

What is Chimney Flashing? How Do I Know When to Repair It?

The configuration of metal parts are cut, shaped and installed in the mortar joints of the chimney and sit between the roofing material and the chimney. Then caulk is used to seal the edge of the flashing to the chimney material. This provides a tight seal so water can’t get behind the flashing. However, with […]

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