Checking a Chimney Heat Shield

A chimney heat shield is the crucial part of your chimney that protects your home from overheating and catching fire. If you’re noticing any burning smells, unusually high temperatures coming from the firebox, or are just overall concerned for the safety of your fireplace, a professional chimney sweep from Superior Chimney can help. Over time, […]

Chimney Fires: A Real Threat to Your Home

How often do you hear on tv or online about chimney fires in the home? With all of the bad news out there, is there time to cover chimney fires? Let’s bring you up to speed with chimney fires in and around the Chicago area. What are Chimney Fires? According to the CSIA, the Chimney […]

You’ve Used Your Fireplace… Are You Taking Care of It?

In the past week, 3 chimney fires were reported in the news.  There were two chimney fires in Park Ridge, one was in a townhouse, and the third chimney fire was in Kenosha, WI.  Just in December,  chimney fires were reported in Lake Zurich as well as in Springfield. As everyone is inundated with information […]

No Short Cuts When It Comes to a Wood Burning Fireplace

There’s nothing more beautiful, warm and inviting than a wood burning fireplace. It’s frequently featured in family pictures and is often the center of attention in a home. That’s because a wood burning fireplace is special. Some enjoy watching the flames and listening to the crackles of the burning wood. Others enjoy tending to the […]

The Affects of a Deep Freeze on Your Chimney

Chimney’s are taking a beating with the deep freeze, especially those chimney’s that haven’t been cleaned or inspected. Sitting in the Starbuck’s I overheard (you do it too), a couple of unfortunate situations. In one of the stories, a family room caught on fire because of a missing chimney brick. Fortunately, they were home and were […]

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