January and February are slow times in the chimney service industry. That’s because the holidays are over and we’re trying to look forward to Spring. With the temperatures being as cold as they are, clearly that’s not going to happen for a while yet. So, this is a perfect time to get the fireplace and chimney swept! You can get the fireplace swept and chimney inspected without a long wait. That’s a plus for sure! Who are we talking about?
The procrastinators: These are homeowners that have said, the fireplace doesn’t need swept yet, I’ll do it later. When later comes, they consider it again, and pushes it off to another later date. When that happens, now the homeowner will need to wait to get on the schedule. Why not call now? Get it done and you’ll be glad you did. Why? Because you know that your home is safer and so is the family. Good reasons to call Superior Chimney today at 877-244-6349.
The Gas Fireplace Owners: We have a gas fireplace; we don’t need a chimney sweep. Just so you know, natural gas is a clean burning gas fuel, so it doesn’t produce the same byproducts, creosote, as wood. However, there is still heat and flame just the same as wood… worthiness of firewalls is the primary intent of a chimney sweep, not cleaning. Gas fireplaces can still produce buildup that needs to be swept. A chimney inspection and sweep aren’t just about the removal of creosote, it’s inspecting for other potentially problem areas and build up too. According to the National Fire Protection Association, they recommend swept the gas fireplace once per year for safety, integrity of the chimney and removal of any build up.
The Non-Fireplace Users: I never use it! I have glass doors for my fireplace and keep it closed. Why should I bother getting it checked? The fireplace is only one part of the chimney system. It also is a means for appliances. Keeping the chimney clear and clean is vital to the health of your home. In addition, the elements from the outside have an effect on the chimney. Firewalls need to be swept and checked for their integrity. Your chimney continues to live and breathe even if you don’t use the fireplace. Again, according to the National Fire Protection Association, getting a fireplace and chimney inspected and swept once a year is vital for the heath and safety of your home.
The 14-Point Chimney Inspection
When a Superior Chimney technician comes to the home, their job is to ensure that a comprehensive inspection is completed. We ensure the thoroughness of the chimney inspection with our 14-point chimney inspection document. Our technician will review the document with you so you know what was done, why it was done and the results of our findings. In most cases, we take pictures as well to show you (especially in hard to view areas) what is going on in those areas, whether it is a problem situation or not. We believe it is important for you to know, so if you suspect an issue in the coming months, you know what to report so it can be immediately taken care of so the repair or issue doesn’t end up growing and costing you a large investment. Be sure to contact Superior Chimney today, because the perfect time to get the fireplace and chimney swept … is now.