Christmas in the Hampton Castle: Sweeping the Chimney for Santa

A certified Superior Chimney technician was on vacation in London. The technician had a conversation with the Royal London guard about Santa and all of their numerous chimneys about sweeping the chimney. Let’s find out who ended up being covered in soot…

Christmas Eve in London

The story begins on Christmas Eve in a rainy and foggy London, when Santa Claus was preparing to take his sleigh to deliver the presents. It looks just like it does in the movies. There are so many chimneys reaching for the sky, all in a row looking like the Royal London guards in the well-known Hampton Castle. 

Chimneys, hundreds of years old made of very old brick and mortar, line every room. Every year, Santa has to choose the correct chimney to go down and deliver the presents. If he chooses the wrong one, the guards will catch him, and throw him out. This is tight security. Certain chimneys are swept regularly and others are not, so if Santa chooses the wrong one, he will be covered in soot! That’s why sweeping chimneys is so important. 

Trouble in the Hampton Castle

The Hampton castle in London has many guards which have been stationed in the same posts for hundreds of years. Even with all this knowledge, each year, Santa lands on the Hampton Castle’s roof to deliver presents on Christmas Eve. In typical London fashion, it was a foggy night, with a light rain. Santa was instructed to choose the largest chimney in the center of the castle which leads right to the main Christmas tree. As you can imagine, there are many in the castle.

Santa remembered that it was the same chimney as last year. But because of the rain and fog, Santa went down the wrong chimney! To his surprise, he landed with a big bump into a dark and damp room. Not one candle or light was on. He felt the presence of a person in the room. Slowly stepping out of the chimney, he jumped in surprise to see two giant statues of guards. Santa looked down at his hands to find that he and his presents were covered in black soot. Santa knew he came down the wrong chimney and landed in the wrong room! 

Poor disoriented Santa heard some rustling, and right before him were two guards dressed in old fashioned clothing, holding flashlights and their swords. Covered in black soot, the guards couldn’t make out who Santa was! “Who is this person who fell through the chimney?” one guard commented sarcastically. Santa was taken by the elbows and removed promptly from the castle. The guards didn’t recognize Santa and promptly returned to their posts. 

What was It?

One guard mentioned he saw something in the fireplace. It was a small gift wrapped in red packaging with a beautiful green bow on top. Before he left the room with Santa, he took the box from the fireplace and placed it in his pocket, thinking he’d look at it later.

The guards kept talking about it. Something didn’t seem right. Finally, the two guards put the clues together and realized they kicked out Santa Claus! Worried, they grabbed the soot covered box and went right into the kitchen, hoping to win Santa’s favor with cookies and milk. They grabbed the goodies and ran into the cold winter air waving their arms. Santa was already on the roof (again), brushing himself off and wishing he had chosen the correct chimney, or at least a clean one. Hearing the guards, Santa stopped to talk to the guards and let them know all is good and safe! “We are sorry, we didn’t know who you were, covered in all that soot! We come with peace, cookies and milk! Please come back and deliver the presents!” A guard shouted.

Santa’s sharp nose caught a whiff of the cookies and milk, and saw the wrapped gift. “It’s time for a chimney sweep!” He laughed heartily and jumped off the sleigh, thanking the guards with a big hug.

The next morning, the guards in the Hampton castle awoke to an extra present…and a few cookie crumbs in the dirty fireplace.

Preparing for Santa This Year

Be sure to sweeping the chimney for Santa so he doesn’t get covered in all that black soot.  Call a Superior Chimney professional today at 877-244-6349.

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