A Chimney Holiday – For and From the Kids

Did you know…


That as the holiday’s approach, our certified service technicians are asked 1-2 times more questions about the fireplace and chimney? We have found that the increase in questions come from a special age group: Under 7.

Chimneys and fireplaces are a sensitive topic for the 7 and under. There’s a lot of anticipation for the big day and any disruption to the fireplace brings lots of questions. Here are a few our technicians received:

  • Are you getting the fireplace ready for Santa?
  • Is Santa going to get stuck?
  • Will Santa get burned by the fire?
  • Will Santa get hurt?
  • How does Santa know this is the right chimney?
  • You’re dirty. Is Santa going to get dirty too?

Our technicians take the time to answer these vital questions. We always explain how their family is smart to have Superior Chimney come out to clean the chimney and make sure everything is safe and ready for Santa’s arrival. Once they are reassured, the conversation changes immediately to:

“I asked Santa for…” And the list begins. If the toy industry only knew what we know….

Listen to the 7 and under crowd. Have the chimney and fireplace inspected before the Man in Red arrives! Happy Holidays from the Superior Chimney family to Your Family!

Here’s a bit of Trivia for you Holiday TV watchers. We know you’re watching. Ready?

  1. In the “Polar Express” movie, what word does the conductor punch into the ticket of the young man with all of the questions?
  2. How much did Lucy charge for a psychiatric session in “A Charlie Brown Christmas”?
  3. What was the most likely reason that the Grinch hated Christmas?
  4. In the Classic, “It’s a Wonderful Life”, what happened every time a bell rang?
  5. In “Frosty the Snowman”, what was the name of the magician with the Magic Hat?

To check your answers, See below:

  2. Five Cents please!
  3. His heart was two sizes too small!
  4. An angel gets its wings.
  5. Professor Hinkle (this one I couldn’t remember…)

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