As the holiday’s approach, many homes take great pleasure in decorating the fireplace. Many of the decorations reflect where we are at in our lives…artful crafts made by children, pictures of past family celebrations mixed in with a few pumpkins, or elements of nature. The fireplace is the central point for family gatherings enjoying the warmth and comfort and a crackling fire.
Our technicians have the pleasure of seeing your décor and enjoy what you’ve created. All of us at Superior Chimney would like to encourage a few safety precautions:
- Remove flammable decorations before lighting the fire. Holiday decorations purchased at the store are highly flammable. Please be cautious and remove them to an area where the heat from the fireplace can’t get to it.
- Fireguards or fireplace screens are best without taped or hanging decorations. Even though it’s further away from the actual fire, the heat will quickly bring the temperatures to unsafe levels.
- Chimney inspection and a fireplace inspection are critical before lighting…or continuing to light the fireplace. The fireplace and chimney are an important part of your home heating system, and ensuring all flammable deposits are removed and a clear path to the outside is essential.
Remember, not all chimney inspections are the same. That’s why we constantly talk about our highly trained certified technicians, and our complimentary 14 point certified chimney inspections with photo documentation. Need a little more encouragement? Take a look at some of our customer testimonials. Visit our Facebook, BBB, and Home Advisor to name a few.
Schedule your chimney inspection now by calling 877-CHIM-FIX or 877-244-6349. We’ll be sure to take care of you for the holidays.