Tuckpointing Chuckle

This is a must share picture on tuckpointing. I had to chuckle…a lot.

I did not find the picture on the Internet, this was taken out on the job site. Someone thought they could repair the chimney and the side of the wall. Tuckpointing is a real art form…as this person found out.

There’s just so much wrong with this picture, let me summarize it for you:

  • Chimney’s are required to be 3 feet above the roof
  • Chimney’s need to be 2 feet higher than anything 10 feet around it
  • The bricks are collapsing on itself
  • Wrong mortar combination as the weight of the brick caused the mix to ooze out
  • White roofing system covers half of the chimney cap

In the first two bullet points, the specific measurements are to keep you and your home safe, as this has the opportunity to catch fire.

Can you imagine what the inside of the chimney looks like if the exterior looks like this?

Now it’s your turn to chuckle. Post your guesses now on Facebook!

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