Tuckpointing Bricks on the Chimney
We are coming to an end of summer. This is when our weather begins to change and our focus turns to a nice fire in the fireplace. Did you know that most tuckpointing repairs are done during warm weather? Meaning spring, summer and fall. This is important as the mortar needs to fully dry and […]
Chimney vs. Water
Every blog post, video and chimney professional will tell you water damage to a chimney is the worst and the most common damage your chimney will go through. Plants, our bodies and animals are made up of at least 70% water! Yet, our chimneys are not. Chimneys are heavily affected by rain, wind and everyday […]
Do I Need to Waterproof the Chimney?
There are a lot of questions being asked about waterproof chimney. Many think it’s a ‘nice to have’ versus a necessity. We decided to ask the certified technicians about waterproof chimney, and here’s what they had to say. Q: Should bricks be waterproofed? I thought that bricks need to ‘breathe’? Bricks are a porous material […]