Checking for Chimney Leaks

“Why are we talking about chimney leaks when it has been so dry?” “No need to worry about water leaks from the chimney, all looks good in the house so far.” These are two statements that have been going through everyone’s minds. No rain, no problems, so therefore there must be no issues! Is it […]

How Do Leaks Start in a Chimney?

When you take a look at this picture, you can clearly see that mortar fell out from in between the bricks and additional cracks and loose mortar are next to the empty spot. This is an open invitation for water to continue to break down the mortar and water to make its way into the […]

April Showers Bring May… Leaks?

A missing chimney cap can make or break the chimney structure and safety of your home. It’s true that April showers bring May flowers. It also can bring severe storms that, in the Chicagoland area, will be sure to damage your chimney. You need all the necessary protection for the Spring months. If you go […]

Reclaim the Warmth of Your Fireplace

Reclaim the Warmth of Your Fireplace

Have you ever experienced a cozy evening only to be disrupted by an unexpected cold draft in fireplace? It seems counterintuitive, doesn’t it? Fireplaces are meant to provide warmth and pleasure, not chilly gusts of air! Unfortunately, many homeowners find themselves facing this very issue. So, why does a cold draft occur in your fireplace, […]

Chimney Freeze-Thaw Cycle in a Mild Chicago Winter

Chimney Freeze Thaw Cycle in a Mild Chicago Winter

Chimney freeze thaw cycle is a regular occurrence in Illinois, even with the mild winter we’ve been experiencing. Now with the week ahead, temperatures hovering around the 30 degree mark during the day, chance of snow multiple times and in the 20’s at night, is a perfect recipe for the chimney to have to endure […]

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