Leaves in the Chimney, Can It Be Dangerous?
I just came inside from blowing leaves off of the lawn. It was crazy how I had to pick leaves out of the bushes, stuck inside the fence, sitting on the window sill and out of the filled gutters. Even if you have gutter guards, the leaves are still stuck on top of the guards […]
A Beginning Season Fireplace Guide for Your Fireplace and Chimney
We’re heading in that time of year where homeowners are opting for hot chocolate over an iced tea. The sound of a crackling fireplace becomes more and more desirable as the cool nights settle in. Nothing is better than the sound of a warm, cozy fireplace. As you want to get the fireplace started, you’ll […]
Chimney Crown and Chimney Cap Need to be Ready for What Comes Next
As bad rains continue throughout the Chicagoland area, we are always wondering what is going to flood next. We think about our basement (if you have one) and what may be affected by the seeping water. We constantly check that and other points in our home that we can readily see. But what about the […]
Protecting The Chimney Flue

Animals are on the hunt for a cozy home for the winter, it’s time to schedule your chimney cap replacement! And no, we don’t mean your Thanksgiving turkey roasting over the fire! The main component of a chimney that often goes overlooked is the chimney cap. The chimney cap plays a vital role in protecting […]
Leaves Falling to the Ground and Leaves in the Chimney

Leaves in the chimney can mean there’s something you need to tend to. However, there are so many beautiful things about Fall. One activity that I love about Fall is when the coyote visits my backyard. I know many have dogs and that can pose a problem, but for this home, all good to go. […]
What Animals Live in a Chimney and How to Keep them Out!

Animals living in a chimney is a very common occurrence in Chicagoland. Animals, like humans, love warm, dark and quiet places to settle down and make their nests in. Chimneys are often times the perfect home! So, how do you know if there is an unwanted critter nesting inside your chimney? Let’s say it’s all […]
Chimney Cap: 4 Top Reasons to Put a Lid on It!

In Illinois, a chimney cap is an essential part of every chimney. You may notice that most chimneys have a chimney cap. A chimney cap is a small, metal cap located directly on top of the exit hole, often to a point or a flat top and a short, sealed, mesh gate attached protecting the […]
The Chimney Pot is Not What You Think…

A chimney pot has become popular in recent years. They provide a decorative top to the chimney finishing the look and feel of a detailed house. Most times, chimneys are finished with a metal tube that can keep out water, debris, snow, animals and other items that can easily make its way into the home. […]
What are the Causes of a Blocked Chimney
A blocked chimney in Illinois can happen to any household whether they have a fireplace or not. So those of you that say that this doesn’t pertain to me…well, it does. A blocked chimney pertains to everyone who has a chimney in their home, which is just about everyone that has a water heater and […]
Clean and Check the Chimney. You Never Know What You May Find
Clean and check the chimney is a common spring-cleaning item on many homeowners’ list. Spring cleaning the chimney can take on different meanings. Sometimes it means repairing the chimney like tuckpointing. Other times it may mean checking and getting rid of critters and debris left over from the Fall and Winter seasons. However, sometimes, a […]