Temperature Watch for Chimney Tuckpointing

As Fall takes hold, Superior Chimney is on temperature watch. As the Fall months’ progress, and temperatures get to the freezing mark, the season for chimney tuckpointing comes to an end. So, while the temperatures hold out, be sure to get those chimney repairs done now. Why am I so adamant about it? It’s what […]

Tuckpointing Bricks on the Chimney

We are coming to an end of summer. This is when our weather begins to change and our focus turns to a nice fire in the fireplace. Did you know that most tuckpointing repairs are done during warm weather? Meaning spring, summer and fall. This is important as the mortar needs to fully dry and […]

How Do Leaks Start in a Chimney?

When you take a look at this picture, you can clearly see that mortar fell out from in between the bricks and additional cracks and loose mortar are next to the empty spot. This is an open invitation for water to continue to break down the mortar and water to make its way into the […]

What’s “Bugging” You This Summer?

Let’s face it, chimney tuckpointing isn’t at the top of your mind this summer. Spring cleaning is over, it’s time for a vacation. Maybe spending time at Lake Michigan or the pool took over your to-do list! But, have you noticed some familiar critters falling from the trees (and into your pool…) all over the […]

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