Call 877-244-6349 – We Do Dryer Vent Cleanings

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dryer vent cleaningsDryer vent cleanings are also known as dryer exhaust cleanings, dryer vent cleanouts, dryer duct cleanings, or dryer vent sweeps.  Dryer vent cleanings remove the lint buildup in your vent, which bypasses the lint trap of your dryer unit. Liny accumulation shortens your dryer unit life, extends dry times, and may cause a dryer fire.

Lint Buildup Takes More Energy (Money) To Dry Your Clothes – If your dryer isn’t drying your clothes like it used to, you probably don’t need a new dryer – You likely just need a standard annual or pressurized mechanical dryer vent cleaning! A dryer vent clogged with lint reduces airflow so your dryer can’t dry clothes as efficiently or quickly as it used to. An inefficient dryer uses more energy, thereby costing you more money.  A dryer vent cleaning saves you money!

Superior Chimney dryer vent cleaningsDryer Vent Cleanings Prevent Dryer Fires – Dryer fires have been of the leading cause of home fires throughout recent years.  A dryer vent clogged (fully or partially) with lint reduces airflow escape.  This causes heat build up and then ignition (a dryer fire).  Lint is a boy scouts favorite material for starting fires – After all, it is highly flammable. Dryer vent cleanings prevent dryer fires and save lives!

Dryer Fires and carbon monoxide poisoning lurk in the laundry room!…

Statistics from the United States CPSC (Consumer Product Safety Commission) indicate there were 15,500+ residential dryer fires in the United States originating in clothes dryer exhaust vents. These dryer fires resulted in personal injuries, deaths, and over $84.4 million in property damage.  The CPSC also reports that hundreds of people were non-fatally poisoned by carbon monoxide as a result of gas clothes dryers.

dryer vent cleanings - Superior ChimneyClothes Dryer Vent Cleanings & Inspection Prevents Unnecessary Deaths, Injuries, and Property Damage!

dryer vent cleanings - Superior Chimney

Contact Superior Chimney

Don’t become a dryer fire statistic. Call Superior Chimney today for dryer vent cleaning!
Call now Toll FREE… 877-244-6349

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